Saturday 21 March 2015

Jonathan :P

(sorry, it wouldn't crop)

Hi, my name is Jonathan and I am a student at United World College of South East Asia, I am
in Grade 7 so I am twelve turning thirteen in a few months :) I am from Scotland but was born in Sweden. I like running and sports in general. I like dubstep (dont judge:)) My favourite type of artwork probably is line drawing or photograph, the artwork above is of a piece I did last year during our line drawing subject. I think the artwork I did during the line drawing topic was my best, the one above is probably one of my best pieces. Any advice on how I could make my piece look better in any way would be appreciated images and sites are great too if you think they could help me, also say any ideas I could do to make it more unique :P
Thanks :)


  1. I like how you added the white lines to give a break in the piece. Did you look at live plant or off of your mind? Lastly, I think you should add something in the lower left hand side it seems as if everything is in the top left everything else is blank.

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    2. Hey, yeah I was looking at a real plant whilst I was drawing, yes i know what you mean i sadly ran out of time :( Also if I had more time i would have finished, thanks for the advice :)

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  4. This is a fine piece of art which is a detailed well defined wonderful piece of art. :D
