Monday 16 March 2015

Ethan's blog post

Made by Ethan Carter

Hi. My name is Ethan Carter. I’m from England (Or at least I have a british passport, I’ve never actually lived in England). I’m a TCK (Third Culture Kid) as I was born in Hong Kong but lived most of my life in Singapore. I like playing video games and I am interested in reading. My favourite genre is fantasy because it is really interesting to read. It is interesting because it gives me creative thoughts and draws me into a different world. I am an expert at reading probably because I read for way too long. My favourite type of art is sculpture because I can manipulate it and show my thoughts in a different way. My best artwork was a drawing I did of my own face because it was very detailed and came out looking like an almost perfect drawing of my face. I would like advice that tells me what I should work on and what is good about my artwork. I wonder if I did art as much as I read, would my artwork be any better.
Below is a piece of work I have been working on. It is not finished but I think it is still pretty good. What do you think? Please comment on how I can make it better

1 comment:

  1. I find faces very difficult to draw, so I'd love to see your self-portrait.
