Sunday 15 March 2015


Hi, Im Anisha.
I’m Indian and really like art because it is great way to express emotions on paper.
My favorite type of art is painting as well as pencil drawing. Some of the reasons these are my favorite is because painting is colorful and pencil drawings have so much that can be done with it. One example of techniques that can be done with pencil drawing, shading. Lots of details can be done with pencil drawings.
I think I am an expert at drawing eyes and photoshop.
With my pencil drawings so much shading can be done for the different parts to make it more 3D. One more things which is making it 3D is the pressure using the pencil and the darkness and lightness of different parts. The advice I would like would be how more detail could be put into the drawing as well as which parts could be improved in terms of shading.

As with my nose sketch - this is one of my best nose drawing that I have done so far, and I am very proud of it. I think with the advice it’s the same for the eye drawing, just how can I improve on my shading and highlighting to make it seem more realistic.


  1. Wowee - that nose is really sticking out into space! You've managed to create some very strong three-dimensional qualities in this most challenging of subjects. Congratulations, Anisha.

  2. Hi Anisha!1!!1!
    I really really like your nose drawing, because it looks really realistic because of all of the shading and contours that you've used to create a more realistic effect on both of your drawings really. So good job Annie (haha)!!!!!!
